Donate Your Books to Teachers and Students in China
The Need
China's universities are under enormous stress. There is a population explosion of students, a shortfall of faculty, and a scarcity of books and journals from the West.
Access to modern knowledge is so limited that medical schools struggle to upgrade themselves, in a health-care system that is nearing collapse. Law schools struggle to train fully capable graduates.
It is the same for most fields and practices, and the result is a calamity: teachers cannot keep current—students do not learn what they should—and the system will not produce enough well-trained people to sustain the modernization of the country.
Books are not the only resources needed, but even in the age of the Internet they can be the most practical means of obtaining formal knowledge, and they can be provided in the near term and begin to produce benefits almost immediately.
The impact of your books
Please read the eloquent thank you letter on the right written by Yan Zhiqiang, Professor of English at Huzhou Teachers College in China.
Another way to contribute
You can support our vital work by making a financial contribution. Every dollar you give will help build understanding between countries and cultures.
• $25 sends 50 books to China
• $250 sends 500
• $5,000 sends a shipment of 10-15,000 books
Donations are fast and easy online
Thanks from a recipient
"... What is our library like now? It has changed its history of supporting a foreign languages school of more than 1,400 students and 120 teachers without a Bible in English, nor the complete works of Shakespeare, nor the Norton Anthology of English Literature. Now we have these from you.

And the scores of books on China help us learn what we are in the eyes of other peoples... Even most of our Marxist and Leninist works in English have come from you.
In addition to English publications, printed materials in other languages have also been increased... even a Homer in ancient Greek, most of which are unavailable in our largest bookstores...