Supporting Higher Education
in China and Southeast Asia

Office Address (Starting August 31, 2012):

Bridge to Asia
1505 Juanita Way
Berkeley, CA 94702-1103

Our  administration office is for correspondence only—please do not send books to this address. Book donations should be shipped to or dropped off at our warehouses.


Phone: 510.333.5896

Hours of operation:

Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Pacific Standard Time

father carrying son in basket

Donor Letters


"Greetings, just sent email with list of books being shipped tomorrow. Thanks for this wonderful opportunity to share books around the world!"


Martha Lane

Enatai, Washington


"Four boxes of history and city planning monographs and texts, on their way today to California. This may be my last shipment, but I appreciate the opportunity for a win-win way to downsize."

Professer Carl Abbot, Portland State University